Tuesday, June 5, 2012


First, some poems I have composed as of late :

I Scream For Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
For the day is long and the nights are hard
And nothing soothes the soul like frozen lard

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
For the heat is stifling and the throat is dry
And the weather is tempered by a sugar high

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
For the tummy grumbles and the spirit yearns
And all that will satisfy is when the ice cream churns

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
For the shop is close and the money is there
And nothing is divine like the topping- gummy bear

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
For hallucinations of sundaes plague the mind
And the cure is something of the frozen kind

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
For pictures of flavors flood the eyes
And that’s brilliant marketing, I surmise

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
For nothing says “home” like a cup or a cone
And cravings are strong, like a dog for a bone

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
For class is really slow and boring
And dreaming of ice cream keeps me from snoring

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
For it’s been a long while before dessert has been had
And without frozen cream, I’m afraid I’ll go mad

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream
For drinking milk will only work to an extent
And on melting candy-coated goods I’m hell bent!

I scream, you scream, but mostly I scream for ice cream
For I won’t stop screaming until I get what I need
And Ok, not need, but want by-golly, indeed!

From a Knight to His Lady

If I were the night,

Thou wouldst be my star, my light
Wilst thou guide me with thine hand,
Through the darkest of storms
And brightest of days
For all of eternity, in a thousand ways
My star, my love, my life, my all
Thou dost consume my mind
And ignite passions deep within 
Ah, wouldst I die time and again
If only to hear thy voice do sweet
For death is no longer a ponderance worthy of fear
With thy promise to guide me ne'er disappear
Closer than mine soul to mine body 
Thy spirit and mine are but one combined
For every heart beat that quickens in thy chest
Mine own flutters just the same
If thou shouldn't bleed by sorrows blade
Mine own flesh wouldst bear the scars
For every tear of joy that flowery from thine eyes
Tis my face the psyche's brine shall stain
If I couldst sing of my love for thee
Twouldst be a song worthy of only the gods
Notes so sweet and pure no mortal could hear
Without cringing at the sight of their own hands of dirt
This love, this hand, shall last forever
For it was cast from diamonds no steel could sever
Prithee, take mine hand in yours
And promise thy heart to mine
That I may always wish upon thee, my star
And thou couldst not shine as bright
Without my love, mine self, your (k)night!

Once Upon a Time There Was a Time That Once Was

Once upon a time there was a time that once was
A time of princes and kings,
Princesses and queens
A time when chivalry was granted
And gowns were flowing
A time when magic was real
And one could be anything;
A peasant, a royal, a horse with wings
Or a submarine captain on a sinking ship

Once upon a time there was a time that once was
A time of tea parties and make-believe
Stuffed animals and dreams
A time when adventures were daily
And friendships never ended
A time when stories were crafted
And the world was not so threatening
Wishing upon stars really worked
And children ruled the world

Once upon a time there was a time that once was
A time when I was a famous cook
A child actress on Broadway,
A time when I was a model,
A beauty queen adored by millions
A time when I looked out my window
And I saw oceans in drought
And clumps of mud
were the most elegant pieces of pie

Once upon a time there was a time that once was
A time when stray kittens were always brought home
And a band aid fixed all wounds
A time when I was a dog whisperer
And I would be famous once the world knew
A time when being alone wasn’t lonely
Because pretend play lasted for hours
Chores were performed by Cinderella
Given by her evil step-mother

Once upon a time there was a time that once was
That is not what now is
But in the mind that is now reflecting on what was

Cats and Coffee

Curled up with curvy kittens

Craving cups of cold cafe lattes
A clear cut cure for calculated contentment
Cuddled up with calicoes capturing cat naps
Cautiously consuming cream coconut cappuccinos 
Coddling cuties camped in cupboards of cotton cloth
Constantly comforted by carribean cacao kissed java 
Captivating Caramel cream coffee encased in carry out cups
Cathartic chayenne colored feline churlishness 
Clearly complimentary cohesion compatibly coinciding together
Completely coalescing in cosmic utopia, 
Courtesy of cream colored comic cats 
And carefully concocted creations of creme kona cuppa

Now, to discuss work. I really love work so far! My direct supervisors are really nice and I have already gotten to know them as friends! I am working 20 hours a week. So far, I have been making a ton of reference checks by calling people the youth have chosen as their references (mostly social workers and therapists). Tomorrow, I interview a couple of youth myself for the summer program! On Friday I have been invited to go to a breakfast seminar of sorts at the law school, it will consist of famous guest speakers on education. 

The head of the department that this program is a part of is really awesome! She is gung ho about me working there during the school year (I have already been told what I will be doing and am pretty much assured a position!) The greatest part of that is that the job comes with full tuition remission and a salary! This would even include the PhD program, which means that the Suffolk PhD program is now back on my list of options! Also, my boss is very close with (they have a long history of working together, even)the head of the clinical psych. department who is also the person whose research interests are similar to mine and thusly will be the mentor I will pick! So guess who I will be askibg for a reference from when the time comes?? Lol Not only have I been assured of a job, but a practicum position as well! My boss has connections with TONS of agencies and is hooking me up with one particular agency to find me a placement for next year, I will be handing in my resume/CV/cover letter tomorrow! 

In other news, it has been ridiculously rainy (as in rain 6 days a week) and slightly cold! It was a high of 54 yesterday! It got up to about 57 today! I am currently wearing a sweatshirt, and I had to wear one to bed last night! How wild!

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