Saturday, April 21, 2012

I have been sick this past week :( . I initially thought it was either spinal fluid pressure or the mess I was on to deal with said pressure because I was SO exhausted 24/7 no matter how much sleep I got (I was only awake for 6 hours last Saturday!) but today I have started hacking up a lung which tells me I caug something from all those theatr kids that were passing around sicknesses (walking pneumonia, bronchitis,and I think mono were the ones I was aware of). Anyway, I'm relieved it isn't spinal fluid...I was just waiting on having to go get a lumbar puncture! I. Other nes, I had a job interview for a position as Job Coach as a part of the iWorks program that helps youth from DCF (department of children and families, I.e. foster care, etc.) learn how to write resumes, dress for job interviews, and actually work at a job. My job would be to meet with the youth to help them with those things, to evaluate their progress, to meet with their managers, to visit them on site at their work, and to be on call for them in order to help with various situations that may arise. My interview went really well, I think! The supervisors/directors were really. Ice and seemed impressed with my qualifications. They even gave me a couple of scenarios to solve and when I told them what I would do in those situations, they said "wow! That's exactly right! Good answer!" they even started talking about a placement for an all-year job next semester at the JOBS program (same deal, working with DCF youth) which offers full tuition remission! On too of that, the director said she was going to look around and see if she can get me a Practicum placement for my mental health counseling because she had 30 years of experience working in DCF and she knows the head of the Suffolk Psych. department who also worked in child welfare! They said I should hear back about the job in a few days! It's my last week of classes, so I have several papers to write and presentations to make this weekend. Then next week are my finals-- I only really have 2 tests and 1 presentation, so it shouldn't be too difficult. I'm hoping my summer will at least be semi relaxing, with taking two classes (consecutively, not concurrently) plus a job (hopefully this iWorks thing!)

Friday, April 6, 2012

Well, after getting all excited about the prospects of going into a PhD program right off the bat, I was presented with an issue early last week. You see, I had planned to take Diagnostics this fall, then Testing I the spring, but I neglected to realize that Testing was a prerequisite to take Disgnostics and since Testing is only offered in the spring, I would need to stay an extra semester just to take one class (Diagnostics is a required course). If I were to stay and take that in the fall (of 2013), that would mean I'd have to wait another year before applying to a PhD program (for the fall after 3 falls from now). I talked with the department chair to see if there was any possible way I could do Testing online or out of order (seeing as I already had an undergraduate course in Testing anyway), but he was very unmovable about that being out of the question. So after a week of being thoroughly upset at my prospects (and yet another blockade in my attempts to enter a PhD program), I talked with my advisor just to bring up the issue... And he brought up a good point. I can still apply even though I won't finish the program. This means I would hopefully get into a PhD program and not have my masters in Mental Health Counseling. I looked at the classes I already have u dee my belt and the ones Im talking next school year, and I will have taken enough to graduate with a masters in Crime and Justice (concentration in Victm Advocacy. Not getting the mental health masters wouldn't be terrible because in any PhD program I would get into, they would require I meet their standards to sit for a masters in their program (so I'd have to get my masters at the other school anyway en route to the PhD). So I think that is what I will do! This way, my applications will be beefed up with a masters and all the research and presentations I did in undergrad (but wasn't able to put on my applications last time because I presented in the spring and apps were due the previous fall), plus I will have a year of Practicum (working with clients) which I can most likely transfer as credit to whatever program I go to next. And of course, having taken all the mental health classes I have will build my qualifications too. This also leaves room for a plan B if I do not get in to any PhD programs yet-- I can't just stay here and finish my other masters and get more research and clinical experience before applying yet again! It is my absolute desire to get into a PhD program and it's something that I'm willing to work hard for! So plan A: graduate with MA in Crime and Justice, then go on to a PhD program, plan B: upon rejection to PhD programs, stay at Suffolk to complete Mental Health Counseling MA. It's obviously not my perfect plan like originally thought (graduating with double masters and getting into PhD) and it's annoying that only 1 class is throwing me off course like this, but it still will get me (hopefully) where I want to go! The difficulty is trying not to think that this universe is out to get me and bar my entrance to the program of my dreams--- after multiple rejections, then multiple spinal taps and surgery to my optic nerves from a freak spinal fluid build up, then finding out I wont graduate with both masters without having to sacrifice anther year, it's hard not to wonder (with slight humor and trepidation) "what's next?" :) Alicia